Navel Chakra

Navel Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance How to Balance Navel Chakra Manipura Chakra

Precisely Intuitive Navel Chakra Healing With Our 72 Unique Healing Modalities Strengthen Yellow Energy. Awaken Lost Curiosities Develop Photographic Memory.

Navel Chakra

Navel ChakraSolar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance
How to Balance Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakra
Navel Chakra

The Third Chakra. Often referred to as. The Navel Chakra. Is position at the. Navel region. And it has ten petals, which match the. Vrittis of spiritual ignorance. Thirst, jealousy. Betrayal, shame. Fear, disgust, delusion. Foolishness and sadness.

Manipura is the associate. With dynamism. Energy and willpower (Itcha Shakti.). It is the associate. With the power of fire. And digestion. Manipura is said to radiate. And distribute prana. To the rest of the body. In this sense. It is roughly similar to. The Chinese idea. Of the dan tian. In qigong.

It is associated with the following:

  • Deities: Vahni, Rudra, Lakini
  • Element: Fire
  • Colour: Yellow
  • Animal: Ram
  • Body Parts: Pancreas, Stomach. Liver, Small Intestine. Digestion, Blood Sugar. Eyes, Feet.
  • Planet: Sun & Mars

Solar Plexus Chakra

Representing Color. Yellow

Body Location. Midway between. The navel. And the base. Of the sternum.

Main Characteristic. Fire is the element of the Manipura. Fire purifies the past. And energizes progress toward Mental awareness. And spiritual development. This chakra is where. We get our “gut instincts”. That signals us what to do. When we need guidance.

Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance

 A balanced Solar Plexus. Chakra boosts. Self-esteem. Respect for Navel Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance
How to Balance Navel Chakra
Manipura Chakraothers. Calmness & initiative. You feel friendly. Joyful and confident. A balanced. Chakra helps you. Live a deeply fulfilling emotional life. And take an outgoing. Sociable attitude to the world.  It enables you to feel daring. And confident. And able to take risks. Hence this chakra. Is the associate. With the leader. The explorer. And the charismatic individual.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance.

An unbalanced Solar. Plexus Chakra. Can threaten your self-confidence. And invite concerns. About what. Others think of you. Lack of yellow energy. It may cause depression. And confusion. That also has bodily manifestations. Such as the digestive and liver. And respiratory problems.

Balance your Solar Plexus Chakra. Ways to strengthen your yellow energy:

  • Awaken lost curiosities; develop your photographic memory. Do puzzles, pick up an old hobby.
  • Regenerate your sense of smell. Use aromatherapy extract oils like rosemary, grapefruit, and orange.
  • Wear a gold bracelet or necklace. Or carry it with you yellow gemstones, like Amber or Topaz.
  • Find the time to be outdoors. And bask in the yellow energy of the sun.

How to Balance Navel Chakra

When our emotions are in turmoil, our health is compromised. Work to balance the flow of energy in all energy centers. And allow yourself. A life filled with joy. Satisfaction, happiness, and wealth.

Chakra characteristics: Chakras are influenced by things. Like colors, gemstones. And aromas. And impact essential elements. Such as ours. Courage, strength. Our ability to heal. Self-esteem. Expressive creativity. And even the will to live.

Manipura Chakra Healing

Manipura Chakra Healing or the Navel Chakra. Is located. At the upper stomach. Just below your rib cage. The bright yellow Manipura. Works to influence. Your mental attitude. Enabling you to be. Good-natured. Contented and happy. In whatever. You choose to do. This chakra controls the stomach. Liver, digestion, nerves. Muscles and gall bladder. Disturbances in this chakra cause fear. Lack of confidence, perfectionism. Diabetes, ulcers. And digestive disorders.

Seven Major Chakras


Image Showing Chakra Balancing Process
Navel Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance
How to Balance Navel Chakra
Manipura ChakraRoot Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. Bright red
Sacral Chakra. It is situated about two inches. Below the navel, the Colour is Orange. Click Here for more details
Navel Ckakra. It is located in the upper stomach. Below rib cage. The bright yellow Click Here for more details

Heart Chakra. It is situated in the middle of the chest. Emerald Green Colour Click Here for more details

Throat Chakra. It is at the bottom of the throat. Clear Blue Colour Click Here for more details

Third Eye Chakra. It is in the middle of the forehead. Spiritual indigo colored. Click Here for more details
Crown Chakra. It is at the top of the head. Colour-associated Violet Click Here for more details

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Dhan SatGuru Dev


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